Sunday 9 December 2012

Raspberry Pi - GPIO Game - How many times can you press it?

Anyway, I decided to see if I could make a game with the GPIO and learn a bit more about the GPIO and how to use it.

The concept is really simple, how many times can you press a button in 2 seconds?  My current record is 20.

The game counts you in, 5 leds lit, 4, 3, 2, 1 then you press it as many times are you can, it counts up in binary on 5 leds, before showing your high score in binary.

I used 5 leds and one button, connected to the Pi in the following configuration.

Gnd -> 10k resistor (pull down) -> Button -> GPIO 4 -> 1k resistor (protection) -> 3v

GPIO 17 -> Resistor -> LED -> Gnd
GPIO 18 -> Resistor -> LED -> Gnd
GPIO 21 -> Resistor -> LED -> Gnd
GPIO 22 -> Resistor -> LED -> Gnd
GPIO 23 -> Resistor -> LED -> Gnd

The leds are configured in a binary sequence going:

I then wrote the following python program:


import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time

# led gpio pins
ledGPIOPins = [17,18,21,22,23]
# button gpio pin
buttonPin = 4
# button pressed state
buttonPressedState = False
# lenght of game in seconds
gameTime = 2

# animations, [[value to display, delay][repeat]]
countToTenAnim = [[1,1],[2,1],[3,1],[4,1],[5,1],[6,1],[7,1],[8,1],[10,1]]
outInAndBackAnim = [[17,1],[10,0.5],[4,0.25],[0,0.1],[4,0.25],[10,0.5],[17,1]]
upAndDownAnim = [[1,0.2],[3,0.2],[7,0.2],[15,0.2],[31,0.2],[15,0.2],[7,0.2],[3,0.2],[1,0.2],[0,0.2]]
countDownAnim = [[31,0.2],[15,0.2],[7,0.2],[3,0.2],[1,0.2],[0,0]]
allFlash = [[31,0.5],[0,0.2],[31,0.5],[0,0.2],[31,0.5],[0,0.2]]

def setupGPIO():
# set gpio mode to use BCM pin numbers
# loop through GPIO pins and set to output
for ledGPIOPin in ledGPIOPins:
# setup gpio pin as output
GPIO.setup(ledGPIOPin, GPIO.OUT)

def setLeds(ledGPIOValues):
ledGPIOPin = 0
# loop through led values, setting to appropriate GPIO pin
for ledGPIOValue in ledGPIOValues:
GPIO.output(ledGPIOPins[ledGPIOPin], ledGPIOValue)
ledGPIOPin = ledGPIOPin + 1

def display(number):
binary = ""
# reset led values
ledGPIOValues = [False, False, False, False, False]
# if number is greater than 5 bit, set it to the maximum
if number > 31 : number = 31

# calculate binary as a list of True & False
remainingValue = number
digit = 0
while remainingValue > 0:
if remainingValue % 2 == 1:
ledGPIOValues[digit] = True
              binary = "1" + binary
remainingValue = remainingValue - 1
ledGPIOValues[digit] = False
binary = "0" + binary
remainingValue = remainingValue / 2
digit = digit + 1

#output value to leds

def displayAnimation(animation):
for frame in animation:

#class to control button
class Button:
# initialise button
def __init__(self, gpioPin, pressedState):
self.gpioPin = gpioPin
self.pressedState = pressedState
# setup button gpio pin as input
GPIO.setup(self.gpioPin, GPIO.IN)
# get initial button value
self.lastButtonValue = GPIO.input(self.gpioPin)

# read value from button
def readValue(self):
return GPIO.input(self.gpioPin)

# monitor the button, return true if button has been pressed since last run
def monitorPressed(self):
buttonPressed = False
# read gpio input
currentButtonValue = GPIO.input(self.gpioPin)
# has value changed (i.e. pressed or unpressed)
if currentButtonValue != self.lastButtonValue:
# was the button pressed
if currentButtonValue == self.pressedState:
buttonPressed = True
self.lastButtonValue = currentButtonValue
return buttonPressed

#main program
# create button class
button = Button(buttonPin, buttonPressedState)
# set leds to off
display (0)
        while True:
# press button to start game
if button.monitorPressed() == True:
print "game intro"
print "game started"
buttonCount = 0
timeStarted = time.time()
while (time.time() - timeStarted) < gameTime:
if button.monitorPressed() == True:
buttonCount = buttonCount + 1
print "game finished"
print "show score"
# wait

except KeyboardInterrupt:
        # cleanup GPIO

Run the game

sudo python

Press the button like a maniac...  If you beat 20, leave me a comment, but I want proof!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    The extension board is just a GPIO breakout, so I can connect a ribbon cable to the Pi. See this one from adafruit

    You can just connect the cables direct to the Pi. No problems at all.



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